It all began in Dublin in 2002. Since then, we have been assembling key stakeholders, experts and activists at venues around the world to combine forces, share knowledge and refine new approaches to child abduction, sexual abuse and exploitation.
Dublin 2002: Creating a Global Agenda to Combat Child Pornography
In this first conference we sought to explore the extent of the problem, raise awareness, and create a worldwide action plan to combat child pornography.
Lyon 2005: Child Pornography: Assessing the Global Agenda
In this follow-up to the Dublin conference, we explored the current state of child pornography along with emerging trends. We assessed progress made on the Dublin Plan and adjusted its recommendations for future action.
Buonas 2005: U.S./European Summit on Missing & Exploited Children
Representatives from 20 countries, the United Nations, European Union institutions, and the Council of Europe joined us in this first-ever summit on the subject of missing and exploited children.
Athens 2007: U.S./Balkan Forum on Missing & Exploited Children
With our Greek partner, The Smile of the Child, we brought together experts and practitioners from 10 Balkan states, Europe, the United States and international institutions to better understand the issues surrounding missing and exploited children in the Balkan region.
Dublin 2008: Dublin Roundtable: Eradicating Commercial Child Pornography
Our goals in this second Dublin meeting were to continue assessing progress made toward accomplishing the goals of the 2002 Dublin Plan, with a focus on eradicating commercial child pornography.
Cairo 2009: Crossing Borders to Protect the Children of the World
World dignitaries and child protection experts gathered in a meeting that produced the Cairo Declaration, a call to action to protect the rights of children around the world.
Washington, D.C. 2010: International Judicial Conference on Cross-Border Family Relocation
We joined forces with the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law and the U.S. Department of State to host a judicial conference on cross-border family relocation issues.
Rome 2011: Rome Forum
Together with Telefono Azzurro, the Pediatric Hospital Bambino Gesu, and the Mayo Clinic, we hosted a forum designed to build awareness and create an action plan for world leaders to address child sexual abuse and exploitation as a public health crisis.
Washington, D.C. 2013: Digital Economy Conference
Co-hosted with Thomson-Reuters, this conference explored the benefits and risks of the emerging digital economy, including sex trafficking.